Constellar (Tester) Vs Constellar (Testee)
Attitude: 20/20
Deck Build: 9/20 Main Deck Monster line up was okay but i mean you run 3 tenki i would consider you Main maybe 1 bear at least. Spell line up pot of duality is good but constellars need to special summon it can handicap you a bit. Trap line up seemed fine. Side deck was not very good can use a lot of help overall bad side deck. Extra deck as fine but i would consider seriously that you run 101 and excivition knight they are game changers and can bring home the win.
Skill: 5/20 You played badly overall you had chances to summon pleides but chose other options like omega and corn ship when it really was not good to do so at all. Both Rounds you had first turn pleides hands and you dint play the constellars correctly. you forgot to use Sombres effect.
Ruling knowledge: 8/10 You dint know how your own card worked
Misplays and Corrections: 4/10 you misplayed a lot and i had to explain to you how sombre worked which you yourself forgot to use the effect of. Get to know your cards better really need to work on that.
Results of the duel 0/20 (Testee lost 0-2)
Total: 56/100
You will Stay in Slifer Red for the time being