Deck -
Tester - Constellar
Testee - Qli
Attitude -10/10
He was pleasant.
Deck Build - 16/25
The deck build isn't a standard build, that's for sure. However, just because it's not standard doesn't mean it helps you against competitive players. For a start, you've cluttered your deck with a bunch of one-of cards. As far as playing both Apoqliphort monsters go, you should only ever consider playing Kernel as it is the better of the two at this point. Opening with both of them is not good because you can't make too many plays with them to start. Additionally, with the newer Qli monsters in your deck, I suggest taking time to understanding what ratios are needed with the newer cards and what new cards are actually necessary (like maybe Assembler to 3 for more Summoner's Art targets and draw power for summoning Qli's, playing Carrier/Disk to 3 to complete the OTK combo, and dropping Access for 2 Alias to create an unrespondable combo of Alias's effect combined with Carrier/Helix). Going along with understanding what's needed and opening bad hands, I'd imagine opening 2 Vanity's Ruler and/or 1 Mobius isn't productive in your plays. I see this because both require tribute fodder (one more than the other) and in tight situations, they aren't the best bet especially if you're low on field count. I'd consider dropping these cards entirely to make the deck Qli-Centric (not including Tramp, but we'll get into that later). Other cards I suggest taking out are One Day of Peace (the 3rd Duality is much more necessary), the Qlimate Change (they're more for the side deck), and the Monarchs Stormforth (also for side deck purposes). In place for these, play maybe 1 Laser Qlip (facilitates your Qli plays), 1-2 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragons (not necessary, but worth considering for more Scout searches), and maybe some Night Beams or Maxx "C"'s for your BA match up.
Side deck material mentioned in the main deck includes the Qlimate Changes and Monarchs Stormforth. If you decide to keep the Stormforths, consider both Majesty's and Vanity's Fiend at 2-3 each with Stormforths at 3, but if you don't decide to keep that suggestion in mind, play Maxx "C" (if not already in the main), Veiler (for the Tour Guide problems), and maybe even some "The Selection"'s for your mirror match. I'd consider dropping anything other than Spell Shattering/Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror for the reason that Debunk is hard to play if your opponent knows how to arrange their Chain Links properly, D.D. Ground could be played for Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror alone if you're worried about the Shaddoll/BA match up, and Light-Imprisoning can be solved by Majesty's Fiend.
The Extra deck ACTUALLY DOES COME INTO PLAY SOMETIMES, BELIEVE IT OR NOT (this is additionally what Trampolynx comes into play for). Play utility cards for your hard match ups like Cairngorgon, Giant Hand, Abyss Dweller, Castel, and Exciton to name a few. You will need these at one point or another, but make it a point to put utilities just in case.
TL;DR - Remove the non-Qli support cards like Mobius and Vanity's Ruler (not Trampolynx), understand proper ratios in your Qli deck like one Apoqliphort or 3 Carrier, Qlimate Change and Stormforth are for the side, remove every trap in your side other than Shadow-Imprisoning for Stormforth at 3 and add the Fiends at 2-3 with Maxx "C" (either mained or sided), Veiler, and Selection or something. Also make an extra, that's another reason you're running Tramp.
10 for competitveness 6 for synergy
Skill - 27/40
You didn't have entire control of either duel, but you did do good things with your Skill Drain. However, this and the Helix play was your only type of control in the match. You did well siding with what you had in there (even though I mentioned previously that your side deck could be better), but what I was worried about was the focus. For Game 1 you told me you didn't know if I had activated Tenki twice in the same turn, which was a set back. However, your other concern was focusing on Towers. Don't think that Towers is the be-all-end-all card especially at the amount of LP you had late in Game 2. Focus on the simple strategy of the OTK or a less controlling game plan(which if you don't know by now is Scout for Carrier/Helix and Saq turn 1, summon Disk turn 2 with Carrier, search a scale 1 Qli and summon two off Disk while bouncing the opponent's monster/spell or trap, pendulum with the Scale 1 you searched and Scout and attack for over 8000 damage). Qli's don't really control as much as they do otks.
6 for control of duel, 7 for siding and side deck, 14 for focus(did they rush their plays, did they think carefully, how many misplays)
Ruling knowledge - 5/10
[Only admins are allowed to see this link]
pass is north
Misplays and Corrections - 8/10: One misplay was playing Vanity's Emptiness preemptively with a Skill Drain on board. It doesn't seem like a big deal (although it did because for some reason I have the magic power of drawing MST when I need it), but you have to play the card as a reactive floodgate. This means you have to do it in response to a Special Summoning action or it leaves your opponent to understanding what they could do with the opportunities they still have.
Result of Duel - 0/5 (0/20 for winning no duels, 2/5 for losing 2-1, 3/5 for winning 2-1 and 5/5 for winning 2-0)
Total: 66/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Banned decks: alternative win, burn, troll deck, deck destruction,
Additional note: Do not use otk decks as it may hurt your skill score... in order for the testers to assess your skill the duel needs to last long.
Sorry, but you're still in Slifer Red. Try again next time.