Unless your using a deck that abuses Card of Demise. Most decks today should main 2 Maxx "C" you could then side something to prevent him from xyz summoning, Flying "C" would be good against that deck and PK fire. Ghost reaper and twin cherries is also an idea depending on what your most likely going to expect.
Most cases it's a good card to have in your hand. Even when going 1st, if you use Maxx "C" early on your opponent will be stopped while you having a dimensional barrier or solemn strike set.
It's a good card to main not only vs them but other decks. I will list a lot of decks currently used and how Maxx "C" can be abused.
-ABC Buster you get a couple extra draws, maybe you'll draw a kaiju card or raigeki and demolish your opponent. I love getting more of a chance to get rid of cards like that 3000 sack card and an annoying cyber infinity dragon.
-PK fire they often need Dante to go off, thank you for the extra 5 cards so i can make an abyss dweller. have fun getting killed because of your no-longer floaters.
-Paleozoic frogs: That toadally awesome was really worth if for you when I have 3-5 extra cards?
Yeah drawing into some extra cards like twin twister to mess up all your face downs. Also thanks for allowing me to pop 2 back row, and get rid of your vanity's emptiness.
Anyways yeah just my insight.