Now, I'm going to be stealing this thread from someone on DNF, so I want you all to give your thoughts about it.
Normal Spell Card
If a monster on your side of the field was sent to your Graveyard this turn, you can Special Summon 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Deck once during this turn. Then shuffle your Deck.
No deck in the meta can use it
No deck in DOCS can use it
No deck in BOSH can use it
If Konami pushes a Pendulum format until the next series, literally nobody will be able to use Last Will.
So let's look at what Last Will returning might do to the current format:
Shaddoll - summon Hedge / Falco after fusing a monster from the field. Whoop-de-do.
Qliphort - can't use it at all
BA - basically another Graff except you can't grab half of them and you can't trigger it for a detach. Basically the only time it works is with Fire Lake, summoning Virgil, or when you intentionally make a BA self-destruct, in which case the BA you summon off Last Will also blows up. Literally having any BA monster in hand is superior to having Last Will.
Tellar - summon Deneb or Vega, but only on a turn where you run into a Torrential or activate Alpha. And you have to activate Last Will preemptively, which means if your opponent doesn't do anything, Last Will is wasted.
RB - can't be used because nothing is sent from field to grave.
Kozmo - when would you send your own Kozmo ships to the grave on your own turn? In the case of Dark Hole, Last Will could be replaced by ETele, Kozmotown retrieving Farmgirl, or multiple other cards in the deck
Infernoid - summon Deka / Trooper / Lumina after tributing with Attondel for the OTK. If your opponent does that, you're likely to lose whether they summon a Deka or not, especially since Deka + Attondel makes 9+ and you can't summon anything after that.
YZ - extra combo piece for Synchros, raises the ceiling of a deck that receives next to no representation at the top
HERO - you're going to trigger Will by using Mask Change on Shadow Mist, so what are you going to summon, Bubbleman?
Let's look at what's coming later:
NicEMeme: only way to trigger yourself it is by using Direwolf, literally nothing else can trigger it on your own turn.
Majespecter: all Pendulums, none of which will get sent from field to grave
Igknight: see above
Atlantean: maybe when you summon Trish, but when you summon Trish, why didn't you win already?
No decks that are projected in the meta actually care about Last Will, it's a 1/40, good luck trying to draw it and trigger it when you're playing any of the decks in the meta.
If anyone can give a legitimate argument for why Last Will should not come back, have at it.
As a preemptive statement, "it's broken in Traditional look at all the broken things it does!!!" is not a valid argument, because in Traditional, you've probably also used Future Fusion, Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, and Pot of Avarice that same turn.