Deck -
Tester: Fire Fist
Testee: Constellars
Attitude -10/10
He was cool, calm and collected.
Deck Build - 12/25
As far as anything goes, please heed my advice on this.
Your monster line up is a bit iffy. While you run the necessary level 4's (please put Sombre to 3 it is NECESSARY AND DON'T QUESTION IT), you should consider dropping leonis at least. It doesn't really have synchronization with any other cards except Kaus and Sheratan and ultimately you're fine with just playing the 4 level 4's. Sheratan is okay, but I don't feel that the card is important to your plays and is susceptible to your opponent's pressure (especially with your trap line up).
Your spells are all good but the things I have an issue with are Seventh Wonder and Star Chart. Star Chart essentially only gives you a + 1 each turn and you have to draw into it to play it (ultimately it doesn't give you immediate advantage and in this day-and-age you want immediate advantage). Seventh Wonder you don't have to take out, but it's a risky tech. Nevertheless, I suggest you take Star Chart in replacement for another MST and Book of Moon. Everything else is fine as is for spell line up.
Your trap line up is interesting, but you're better with other cards. Fiendish is fine, but you want to be careful when you lose its use when they overlay for something or synch with a monster you chained (I know pleiades can bounce, but Breakthrough is ultimately the better card choice for negation). Dimension Slice seems more like a tech card and doesn't get rid of immediate threats for your situation, despite xyz'ing being a thing with the deck (i.e. it's a slow removal card). Safe zone ultimately loses its lastability when Pleiades loses its attachments. Overall, I suggest summon reactive traps/trap negations like Black Horn (in the main), Torrential, Compulse, and Bottomless for the former and Wiretap for the latter. Other than that, traps are fine.
Extra is decent in standing with the Constellar Xyz's, but there are some suggestions and things I want to point out. Multiple 101's leave no room for other removal/useful xyz's like Castel, Blackship, Gagaga Cowboy, and others you're missing out on. Take out the rank 3's as well because the Rank 4 engine is ultimately more favorable in your match ups. Heed this advice and Godspeed.
7 for competitveness 5 for synergy
Skill - 8/25
Surprisingly you had almost no control of game 1. That really sends a message when you don't at least put some pressure on board. More importantly, you didn't make the best plays too like bouncing my Leo when you should've or conserving your Pleiades for important cards like bear and my Xyz's/Synchros. Your side deck/siding also needs some work as you sided mostly one-ofs out of your sides despite having two copies of each card you sided. You also didn't side in all the cards that would be necessary for beating me like XYZ Encore or Maxx C. Ultimately, your side deck choices could be better and used to their fullest potential. Try playing cards like debunk, vanity's emptiness, and grave hate cards like Soul Drain, Macro Cosmos, and Dimensional Fissure for universal usage other than cards like System down, Xyz Encore, Veiler, and Black Horn and Breakthrough Skill (Main the last two please).
2 for control of duel, 4 for siding and side deck, 2 for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge - 4/10
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student pass is north
Misplays and Corrections - 8/10: He should've conserved Pleiades attachments rather than bounce them for his Tenki, and he also should've attacked with both his leonis and Kaus rather than xyz into Omega (I had warning).
Result of Duel - 0/20: (0/20 for winning no duels, 10/20 for losing 2-1, 15/20 for winning 2-1 and 20/20 for winning 2-0)
Total: 42/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
You will remain in Slifer.