Deck -
What deck the tester used and what deck the testee used.
Attitude -10/10
State their attitude towards, you the tester, and if there is use of bad language as an insult etc.
Deck Build - 16/25
I'll start with monsters and work my way down.First off,drop the tyrannos,add in two more galaxy wizards.Also drop Helio,hes bad,add in another 101.On to spells,drop a zero,queen and add in accelight two of em mininum,it sets up your decks best combo by far.Traps,drop out mirror force,its ust not the card it was.also drop the dirges,add in 2 dimension prison and some kinda grave hate.
15 for competitveness 10 for synergy
Skill - 26/40
His focus was good I'll admit,he just got some very bad hands tbh.G1,he did inflict a good deal of damage but I ended up nailing off dragoons-tidal combo and added to my hand meggalo and infantry and was able to completely go apeshit.In pretty easy terms,I Otked him off a total swarm fest.G2,It was pretty much the same,although he did summon Felgrand,who I has counter with Leo and baited his eff to avoid an honest death.After that,I preceed on my next turn summon Shark,Draccosack,Meggalo,and Bahumut Sahark and attacked for game.
3 for control of duel,3 for siding and side deck, 20 for focus(did they rush their plays, did they think carefully, how many misplays)
Ruling knowledge - 3/10
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pass is north
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10: Explain what errors they made for instance did not read one of their monsters eff. Same as the rulings, explain their misplays and grade them appropriately.
Result of Duel - 0/5 (0/20 for winning no duels, 2/5 for losing 2-1, 3/5 for winning 2-1 and 5/5 for winning 2-0)
Total: 65/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Banned decks: alternative win, burn, troll deck, deck destruction,
Additional note: Do not use otk decks as it may hurt your skill score... in order for the testers to assess your skill the duel needs to last long.