Deck -
What deck the tester used and what deck the testee used.
Attitude -10/10
State their attitude towards, you the tester, and if there is use of bad language as an insult etc.
Deck Build - 14/25
Ask the Maiden Slayer for tips(as he was the one who graded the build)
15 for competitveness 10 for synergy
Skill - 20/40
Ok,I'm sorry but I'm gonna be brutal here but only cause I've seen and used BB before.First off,you were facing a deck that lives off stalling and you pretty much went like anti-aggro.Most of your big plays,you saved til m2.Why save a play for m2 if you gonna swarm,it makes absolutely no sense.Your plays seemed sloppy,your choice of summons was awful,you summoned a cowboy while I had 8k G2.You just seemed to try your own thing and pay no attention to anything else on the field.Your side's only good choices were SIM and LIM,tbh after that,you have no side.Put in cards like Maxx C,Twister,Fairy wind etc.
7 for control of duel,2 for siding and side deck, 11 for focus(did they rush their plays, did they think carefully, how many misplays)
Ruling knowledge - 10/10
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pass is north
Misplays and Corrections - 6/10: Twice I added a FK spell off Island,he tried adding from the 2k twice
Result of Duel - 3/5 (0/20 for winning no duels, 2/5 for losing 2-1, 3/5 for winning 2-1 and 5/5 for winning 2-0)
Total: 47/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100