Founder: Thats the founders decision lol
Administrators: Pretty much the same, though due to the amount of work an admin does it will obviously be alot larger then the norm.
Moderators: Will be awarded dp weekly depending on how good of a job they have done....Meaning you must remain active and do your job to get payed.
same as above, but also you get a bonus of 50 dp for every time you submit teaching lessons on this forum as well as 50 dp for each new member you test.
Tester: same as above but 50 bonus dp for each person you test.
Lotto Manager: Just weekly dp pay depending on how good of a job you have done.
Assistant: Will get payed a certain amount of dp each week depending on how well of a job they have done
Graphics Designer: Will be awarded a certain mount of dp each week depending on how well of a job they have done... in addition will be awarded a bonus of 50 dp for each graphic designs
Dorm leader: Will be awarded weekly dp pay depending on how well of a job they have done.. in addition, they will be awarded a bonus of 50 dp for each lesson they submit.