This lesson is how to construct a good deck!
To make a deck you need to research the deck, like the playing strategy, I suggest you don't net deck because whats the fun in that? Find a strategy that suits you the best! One that you are comfortable with, so if you net deck it might be too complicated or there might be an error because this is someone elses mind set so they will think MUCH more differently.
SPELLS:Spell cards are necessary in the game as their effects could help you out or disrupt your opponent. Equip cards are spell cards that are equipped to Monster cards to give them a boost or a certain effect. Some Equip Spell cards are better when equipped to your opponents monsters. Examples of cards like that are Darkworld Shackles, Raregold Armor, etc. Quick play cards are spell cards that are able to be played during your opponent's turn after being set or from your hand during your turn. A good Quickplay Spell is Rush Recklessly, because you can fool your opponent into attacking a low-ATK monster. Ritual Spell cards are used to summon a Ritual Monster. Ritual Monsters are not reccomended, as you have to wait for a few good cards to use them. Field spell cards are cards that are set/activated in the Field Zone, which usually give a boost to a specific type/attribute of all cards on the field. Continuous spell cards are spell cards that remain in the Spell/Trap Zone until destroyed by a card effect.
Trap cards:Trap cards are very useful during the Main Phase or the Battle Phase. They are commonly used to provide a defense during your opponent's turn. Trap cards are set during your turn, but you have to wait until the next turn to activate them. Trap Cards are commonly used in battle. Cards like Sakuretsu Armor, Mirror Force, Negate Attack, Shadow Spell, and Spellbinding Circle are all good in the Battle Phase. Trap Cards can also keep your opponents monsters off the field, like the Trap Hole series.
Do not just throw random cards you see from anime! Look at the effect of the card and think, "Does this suit my play? Is this going to make a change? Or is it usless and there for no reason and can be replaced?" BE WISE!!
But ll do remember to decide what deck you want
sometimes monster jumbles seem good but really, think if the monsters all blend in and can create a nice and neat strategy! Monster Jumbles are usless, trust me. Have a deck that has a strategy!
If you want a defensive deck, use cards that protect your Life Points or stop attacks, such as Waboku, Negate Attack, and Swords of Revealing Light. You might also like defensive monsters, like Labyrinth Wall, Milleniam Shield, or Neo Aqua Madoor.
If you want an offensive deck, use cards with a good amount of power, and try to avoid cards that are too hard to summon. (For example, God Cards are powerful, but if you cannot get the three tributes to summon them, they become dead-weights and will be useless in your hand.) Try monsters with high ATK power, such as Alexandrite Dragon, or Gene-Warped Warwolf. Remember, attack doesn't really matter
its the effect too
Most decks are built around about 5 main monsters, to summon them. These are good but I guess half the deck should be about monsters, monters are pretty aeesome because the majority have effects which are REALLY helpful!
Some decks have equip spells, these suppot the mnsters atk points, and some help draw cards like Broken Bamboo sword.
Whenever anyone says "Hey, how do I improve this deck?" *screen* the first thing I ask is, "Do you have a side deck?" Side decks ae super important because im match duels, once you know your opponents strategy they help you. and any crads which should be in deck but are over 40/41 can be put in side deck. The one card I always have in MY side deck is always Maxx "C" his effect is really useful because every deck special summons and his eff I really useful.
So guys this was my lesson:D