-Deck - Fire Fist vs Black Wings
Attitude -10/10
He had a great attitude, good personality.
Deck Build - 15/25
Fourteen extra deck cards? I saw some level six Black Wings that don't do any good either. If your goal was to have a fun deck, then it really was, but on a competitive scale, it ranks low.
5 competitveness, 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill - 5/25
You made some real questionable move, for intense, I had no monsters or back row, you had two monsters; why would you synchro for less damage over attacking with both for massive amounts of blood? Little things like that built up and cost you card advantage. On another note, you heed to start siding for competitive play. Even the most fun decks need a decent side.
3 for control of duel, 0 for siding and side deck, 2 for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge - 6/10
Misplays due to ill-knowdge of rulings include:
- Problem Solving Card Text of Vanities Emptiness.
- Activation of Shura The Blackwings eff while not on the field.
Misplays and Corrections - 6/10:
I will only take away points from the error made by ignoring my Gyokkou, twice...
Result of Duel - 10/20: 1-2
Total: 49/100
Slifer Red will be your home for now. You showed a lot of potential and I look forward to your re-test.
All test results are eligible for review, contact either me or a head-admin.