If you dont know what counter-fairies are, i can say a couple of things about them. Counter fairies are basically fairy type monsters that interact very good with counter trap cards, because of their effects. Some of these fairies are: Dark Voltanis, Harvest Angel of Wisdom, Layard the Liberator, Bountiful Artemis, Meltiel, Voltanis the Adjudicator and the best among them is of course Guiding Ariadne. If you can put together some of these cards combining them with decent counter traps, you can definately make a deck that can compete very well against most of the meta. Now this deck has seen some plays in a couple of tournaments and its interesting how annoying this deck can be and how difficult to beat. I also built one myself and after testing it in DN, I got surprised how you could lock in your opponent and gain massive advantage out of it.
This is my decklist: http://prntscr.com/bgdxh3
I would like to see what you guys think. Any suggestions would be appreciated.