Tester's Deck: infernoids
Testee's Deck:kozmos
Attitude -10/10
love him, amazing guy.
Deck Build - 10/10 (5/5 for competetiveness 5/5 for syngergy)
typical kozmo deck. It has all the cards necessary and there are no nonsense cards. full marks here.
Skill - 45/45 (15/20 for control of duel,10/10 for siding and side deck, 615 for focus(did they rush their plays, did they think carefully, how many misplays)
Siding Skills- side deck is perfect and counters a broad range of the nowadays meta. Play style and the control of the duel- played well, never misplayed, however forgot at one stage that my monster couldn't attack. That's about it State how well they sided if they did, what is their play style and how they have utilized it and explain how much control they had- Again, played well. Was unlucky in g2 because I made a typical mani-comeback, there was nothing he could do. . Other than that, he hasn't misplayed, only lost his concentration at 1 stage.
Misplays and Corrections - 8/10:
Ruling Test:-2/10
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credit to flames for the test
Result of Duel - 10/15(0/10 for winning no duels, 5/15 for losing 2-1, 10/15 for winning 2-1 and 15/15 for winning 2-0)
Total: 74/100
welcome to RA! Keep trying and eventually you will get obby!
Ra Yellow 70-80