Deck Tester= Magician Pendulum, Testee= Darklord
Attitude= 10/10 Seems like a nice guy. :]
Deck build= 15/25
Synergy= 8, Competitiveness=7, Didn't get to see much of the deck, but the deck seemed to flow nicely and I had a clear knowledge of what the deck was trying to accomplish. Ran cards like Kristya which really beats the current meta decks.
Skill= 28/40
Control: 2, Siding: 6, Focus: 20 Wasn't prepared for my deck, but he did side EEV which, if he got it off really hurt my deck. Had little control of the duel, but he did get Kristya out, which would have won him the duel if I didn't have an out. Payed attention the whole time.
Ruiling Knowledge= 7/10 (Same as loads of others Wink )
[Only admins are allowed to see this link]pass is north
Misplays and Corrections= 10/10, No misplays on either end.
Result of Duel= 0/2 Score= 0/5
Total= 70/100
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89Obelisk Blue 90-100
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