Decks; Tester= Sibylla, Testee= Harpie-ninjas?
Attitude= 10/10,
Really nice guy, should duel him.
Deck build= 23/25,
I'd recommend swapping some cards, like adding light and dark imprisoning mirror to side and raigeki to main. Should also add more cards to help V.S. the new meta.
Competitiveness=13, Synergy=10
Skill= 35/40 Was pretty good, making the proper sliding corrections would probably help this though. Had good tactics. Also, could've won earlier than you did if you had attacked?
Deck Control= 10/10. Deck had good control, listen to the advice I gave you earlier, and you should be getting only better though
Sliding= 7/10. Slided in 3 MST's and slided out 2 forbidden lances and a fiendish chain. This would be higher, but you could've put in mind crush instead, due to me using various effects, such as Hecatrice's.
Focus= 18/20 , Played keenly. Caught my purposeful misplays and asked if effects were ok to use. Went slow and thought thoroughly before making a move. Nothing needs improvement here.
Ruiling knowledge= 3/10 (You did your best =)
[Only admins are allowed to see this link]pass is north
Misplays and corrections= 10/10. Didn't make any misplays. Also, he caught my misplays I made on purpose.
Result of duel 3/5
2-1 To him.
Total= 84
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Welcome to
!!!Ra Yellow!!!!