Decks: Harpies (Tester) Vs Black Wings (Testee)
Attitude: 20/20 good attitude inquired about stuff
Deck Build: 14/20 Main deck was a standard BW deck side deck could use a bit of help extra deck was fine as well.
Skill: 12/20 decently skilled but could really improve on safety when attacking as he would recklessly attack when i had 3 backrows with monsters who could be targeted and destroyed by any traps designed to do so.
Ruling Knowledge: 7/10 Did not seem to be troubled with rulings but nothing to complicated arose also he kept on forgetting to - LP when i attacked with monsters who had bonus attack from the field spell and personal effect (Harpie 1)
Misplays and corrections: 10/10
Result of the duel: 0/20 lost both games hence 2-0 to me
Total Score: 63/100
You will be assigned to Ra Yellow Enjoy you'r stay