Testee(Meklord Army)
Attitude -10/10
Great Guy,cool player.
Deck Build - 15/25
THe creativity is off the charts,definetly looks great,the competiveness however it can be improved,ur extra dck would use some of the new cards,Castel,101,exction all great aditions to ur obviously off format deck.
5 for competitveness 10 for synergy
Skill - 25/40
U had a partial control of the duel in G1,u had none in G2,but u showed skill,maybe u need to start thinking a bit ahead of ur current plays but u know hwat ure doing,the side however,needs help,cards like shadow-imprisoning mirror, D.D Crow,Maxx C,they all can give u the edge that u need to win matches.
6 for control of duel,3 for siding and side deck, 16 for focus(did they rush their plays, did they think carefully, how many misplays)
Ruling knowledge - 4/10
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10:
Result of Duel - 0/5 (0/20 for winning no duels, 2/5 for losing 2-1, 3/5 for winning 2-1 and 5/5 for winning 2-0)
Total: 64/100
Really close to Ra but welcome to Slifer Red!.
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Banned decks: alternative win, burn, troll deck, deck destruction,
Additional note: Do not use otk decks as it may hurt your skill score... in order for the testers to assess your skill the duel needs to last long.