Deck -
What deck the tester used and what deck the testee used.
Attitude -10/10
Pretty fun dude to duel
Deck Build - 17/25
It wont top a meta deck but vs casual decks,it'll hold its own.Like all decks thoughgotta point some helpers.Drop number 17 for Nightmare Shark,you got enough beaters in your rank 4 plus Shark.Drop Mirror force and soul from the side,put in a pair of twister cause them dreaded contin traps.The rest seems fine,might dead draw a bit but all rank up decks do that.
15 for competitveness 10 for synergy
Skill - 32/40
Pretty good attention,knew what to do,used his traps to good effect to stop my otks,even dropped c101 on my ass.G1,I had control most of it and ended up near otking him,though he did draw dead.G2,he was able to fight off my bw and get 7th one and after that,I foght with everything my BW had,but c101 and his traps overcame me.G3,I hit veiler on him,stopping another c101 and he couldnt do much but was able to postpone the otk tho I did win my next turn.All in all not bad,just read my comments above on your side
6 for control of duel,8 for siding and side deck, 18 for focus(did they rush their plays, did they think carefully, how many misplays)
Ruling knowledge - 2/10
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pass is north
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10: Explain what errors they made for instance did not read one of their monsters eff. Same as the rulings, explain their misplays and grade them appropriately.
Result of Duel - 2/5 (0/20 for winning no duels, 2/5 for losing 2-1, 3/5 for winning 2-1 and 5/5 for winning 2-0)
Total: 75/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100