"The title says it all"
Hey guys, what's up, Hero here. Just thought I'd give a little intro about myself.
I'm a academy/clan/group/whatever member and I've been roaming between different groups for about 10 months or so. I've recently gotten back into Yu-Gi-Oh! few months ago and I've felt like getting right back into the academy fun.
Umm... I've been in maybe 4 or so different acads (maybe more?) so I'd say I have quite a bit of experience when it comes to helping out in academies and whatnot.
I've been a founder, Badmin, co-leader, tourney organizer, event manager, moderator,war manager in 5 academies I've ever joined.
So, I guess I'll just end this boring biography right here.
Main DN = ~Nickz
2nd Main= N/A
Anyways, hope I get to meet some of you guys and happy dueling!