Deck -
TESTER (performapals)
TESTEE (mermails)
Attitude -10/10
Great guy
Deck Build - 12/25
Its not a bad deck but i have some issues with it,first of all,maining 3ple maxx C is not a good option,maxx C is a side card,if u face decks like bujin or qliphs is a dead draw,cuz they dont rely on special summoning,u should consider running genex controlloer and undine,it improves ur consistecny alot,i wold also use cards like moray of greed and water spirit,they both help ur deck with the combo plays.Ur extra could use some help 2,castle the skyblaster,evilswarm exction knight,they are both a must have in any extra deck,same goes with 101 silent honor ark,dat its even better cuz its a water monster so u could use ur monsters eff when u detach,dweller,angineer,all good choice dat u must consider.
Skill - 15/40
U need to understand ur deck better,u didnt seemed confortable with it,u didnt knew what choice to make,and u went for the wrong one most of the time,u had no plan,u just did stuff without a real goal,U need to learn the ways of the deck,the combos,the things u can do,u didnt had control at any part,ur side deck could use some help,u need to think in how u can cripple ur opp deck,rather than having more options to play,cards like fairy wind(anti-qliph) shadow-imprisoning mirror(anti-Ba and shaddolls),stygiand dirge or even the band played on are better choices that the ones u already have.
Ruling knowledge - 2/10
Misplays and Corrections - 5/10:
Result of Duel : 0/5 (0/5 for winning no duels, 2/5 for losing 2-1, 3/5 for winning 2-1 and 5/5 for winning 2-0)
Total: 44/100
CONGRATULATIONS you are now member of the Slifer Red
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Banned decks: alternative win, burn, troll deck, deck destruction,ocg cards