Deck - BA(tester)-ls shaddolls (testee)
Attitude -10/10
Deck Build - 22/25
The build is designed to otk and generally do agressive plays so it has a big amount of monsters but cause of the mills i think u should play more charges and super poly cause they can be easily milled.
14 for competitveness 8 for synergy
Skill - 23/25
sided pretty well against me and had a good side for the current meta.He had control of duel cause i opened shitty. i had control of 2nd duel cause he opened shitty
and g3 he made his agrresive combo pretty soon and caught me.
8 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge - 10/10
[Only admins are allowed to see this link]student pass is north
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10:
Result of Duel - 15/20: (0/20 for winning no duels, 10/20 for losing 2-1, 15/20 for winning 2-1 and 20/20 for winning 2-0)
He won 2-1
Total: 90/100
Too close bro i think next u will make it if u need me to explain something feel free to ask
Slifer Red 0-69
Ra Yellow 70-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Banned decks: alternative win, burn, troll deck, deck destruction,qliphorts.