Decks: Tester: Galaxy/Photon
Testee: Chronomaly
Attitude: 10/10 - Yeah he was cool, didnt say much but yeah he is funny and was in great attitude
Deck Build 10/25 - Well i cant say the deck absoloutley sucks but it wasnmt that good either. I would say to take out ur 2 magic cylinder and add in 2 dimensional prison instead of it, and take out the scrap iron scarecrow for another fiendish chain. He couldnt pull off any good combos.
competitivness - 7 - Not very competitve, cant do much tbh.
Synergy - 3 doesnt flow very well imo.
Skill: 10/25 He knows how to use the deck pretty well, like what card to get to hand and stuff like that, however he doesnt read well. I will explain more later.
ruling knowledge: 1/10
misplays and corrections: 2/10 He made looaadddsss of mistakes. Even basics. he summoend a monster in defence mode, not set. he thought galaxy zero goes even tho i used the target for an xyz material. as i said, he needs to read the cards more.
result of duel: 0/20