Constellar vs Plant Deck
Attitude: 20/20 was fine
Deck Build: 5/20 Incomplete extra deck incomplete side deck main deck had 46 cards which is to much. Trap line up had no solemn Judgement which is kind of a must to stop big monsters in this format, no torrential tribute another must have for traps overall deck was not good.
Skill: 4/20 pretty bad performance overall i mean posed no threat both rounds she got to start both rounds i kept all my LP. She was unable to defend well. Overall pretty bad. Needs improvement. Did not even side. When i asked why she did not side she said i got nothing to stop you when i saw her deck shot it contained 2 Light imprisoning mirrors -.-
Ruling Knowledge: 10/10
Misplays and Corrections: 10/10
Result of the duel: 0/20 (testee lost 0-2)
Grand Total: 49/100
Sorry to say but you will be Ranked down to slifer.