Deck -
Tester: HAT
Testee: Evilswarms
Attitude -10/10
nothing to add.
Deck Build - 16/25
Comptitveness: 10/15
the deck is good build and evilswarm have good matchup in this shaddoll stuff. i cant make the build better myself. one of the reasions is becuz i shuck with evilswarms -.- but seeing the deck, all the card works well together. there are no chance for dead draws. maybe bad in some situation but not dead. all those cards can be used. i should take out the catastor in the extra deck. and put better lv 5 synchro something like Armades/tiras idk what its called -.- one of those keepers.
Creativity : 3/5 its realy the basic evilswarm deck build, the only card that i myself dont see it in most evilswarm decks is that warrior returning allive. i dont think its needed but may be usefull to get that BLS back and finish the game.
Originality: 3/5 ^same as creativity^
15 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill - 16/25
Control: 4/10
you had control in gm1 but gm2 and 3 i had the control of the field. gm3 it switched a bit for the last turns but not for long tho.
siding and side deck: 8/10
looking at your side deck. i dont see SIM, with satellars around i better side 2 satellars, it may hurt some of ur XYZ and ur BLS but its worth it if it shut downs ur opponent. take out overworked becuz you wont see much of those boost decks, harpies,fire fist wont be seen allot. maybe ur personal choice but i should make place for that SIM.
General skill and nice moves: 4/5
he plays his cards right, although he made some mistakes during the duels.
10 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for
general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge - --/10
Yet to be added.
Misplays and Corrections - 6/10:
he did make mistakes cuz i had a set moraltach which was set there with ignition but yet he made the exciton play to clear the field. it was not a bad idae since he had soul charge in hand but i would have gone for something else and use the soul charge for better options. exciton isnt always the best thing to do.
Result of Duel - 10/20: 2-1 for my victory
Total: 52/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Rulling test yet to be added.
you wont get that chaos bruh better luck next time.
Slifer Red 0-59
Ra Yellow 60-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100