Deck -
Tester: Gogogo XYZ
Testee: Cosmic Dragons/Yang Zing
Attitude -
10/10Nothing to add.
Deck Build -
15/25Comptitveness: 15/15
great deck with great consistency.
Creativity: 0/5 same as all other builds
Originality: 0/5 same as all other builds
15 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill -
25/25Control: 10/10
Triple breaktrhough and triple fiendish chain gave him control over all my plays, sadly i did not get my royal decree
Siding and side deck: 10/10
all around good side deck for ocg formats.
Nice moves and skill: 5/5
10 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge -
7/10Misplays and Corrections -
8/10: Masked charmeleon.. read that card. Cannot be Normal Summoned if you control a Level 5 or higher monster.
you had one of ur synchro's above lv 5 and you summon another, i didnt say anything because i wanted to see if you could see in the misplay. but you did not.
Result of Duel -
20/20: 2-0 for his victory
Total: 85/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Welcome to NA, ur dorm will be Ra Yellow
Slifer Red 0-59
Ra Yellow 60-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100