Evilswarm (me) vs Warriors (testee)
Attitude 8/10 He was a bit doubtful of his skills. And when i said nice games he replied not really. kind of a downer but not tht bad i guess >.>
Deck build 7/25;
Competitveness: 1/15 Hardly did anything. He culdnt take no LP. Second duel i was at 6000 cos of Solemn Warning. Origniality is 4 i hardly see a warriors deck, normally its all HAT or them annoying decks >.> Cretivity: Everything u'd expect was there. It was pretty predictable. 2.
Skill: 2/25
0/10 for control of duel, at no pint did he have control of the duel. 2/10 Nothing he sided was useful, only thing he sided was a veiler, which he used wrong >.> 0/5 for general skill, hyeeelll naaww i saw nuthin at all, all combos and all thangs were blocked off.
Ruling test: 6/10
Missplays and corrections: 7/10 . He did a veiler in his own turn against my ophion. he used bergh after me using breakthrough.
Result 2-0 in my victory so 0/20.
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