Deck -
Tester: Gogogo XYZ
Testee: Heraldic beasts
Attitude -10/10
nothing to add.
Deck Build - 17/25
Competitiveness: 7/15
creativity: 5/5
originality: 5/5
15 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill - 7/25
control: 3/10
i had control of the duels all around but he gained control in gm1 for some turns.
Siding and side deck: 0/10
no side deck. make one.
general skill nice moves: 4/5
you still lack skill, you dont plan ur game forward. try doing that. it will give you advantage allot
10 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge - -/10
has to be added yet.
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10:
didnt misplay all around
Result of Duel - 0/20: i won g1 and g2 i had it in the pocket but i waited to see if he actualy can turn things around which happened about 4 turns but that was just for 1 turn cuz we d/c. even tho i had great had with quick chaos, gogogo giant, redox and pyramide turtle in hand dont know the last card tho. but i did had golem and ghost in my graveyard so game was sure in my victory.
Total: 44/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Welcome in Slifer Red. have fun at the academy.
Slifer Red 0-59
Ra Yellow 60-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100