Deck -
Tester: gogogo XYZ
testee: Ell Shaddoll
Attitude -10/10
nothing to add here.
Deck Build - 23/25
Competitiveness: 15/15 shaddolls are on of those control/stun decks because they limit ur summons + which leaves you out of plays to do if ur playing a deck based around special summons, which all decks do.
Creativity: 4/5 the decks wasnt all the same but all was changed were 2/3 cards. so i cant give full points for this nor for the originality.
originality: 4/5
15 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill - 20/25
Control: 5/10
i simply had control of game 1, only thing that made me lose was that i did not had gagaga cowboy in my extra deck which sucks cuz he was with 400 LP left xD, which was his chance of comback and he did and won gm1. and further shaddoll midrash had me locked and 2 of them were hard to get rid of since my deck is based on special and go for xyz. but i couldnt, when i saw the bls come out in i just admited defeat cuz there was no card in my deck except for dark hole that could kill 2 midrash + bls in 1 turn and that was the end of gm2
siding and side deck: 10/10
good side deck all around.
nice moves and general skill: 5/5
just regular shaddoll combos. which are great xD
10 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge - 9/10
i added 1 point because he said question 1 was a trick questions, although it doesnt matter right now.
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10:
didnt misplay all around.
Result of Duel - 20/20: 2-0 for his victory.
Total: 92/100
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