Tester Deck - Anti-Meta
Testee Deck - Normal Deck
Attitude -10/10
Had great attitude. Made me laugh a couple of times during the duel.
Deck Build - 5/25
The deck just could never seem to come out rolling. It was full of unnecessary cards that doesn't really do much at all for it. Didnt seem to have an synergy.
Skill - 3/25
Siding Skills (0)- Opponent had no side deck all. Side decking is important to counter deck that your main deck could not. Also, it can be used to counter their side deck. Varies...
Play style (3) - Not much on here to say honestly. He set Archfiend Soldier 1st turn who was a 1900 beatstick..weird. He did what could but to no avail.
Control of the duel (0)- Not once has he gained any advantage during the match..
Ruling knowledge - 7/10
Not bad at all... BUT I WANT 10/10
Misplays and Corrections - 7/10: There were only just a few errors he made so I'll deduct one point for each
1) After Evilswarm Thunderbird returned to the field and attack directly, he took away 1650 forgetting that it gained an additional 300 attack from its eff.
2) After using Call of the Haunted, he used the monster as XYZ, not knowing that COTH remains on the field since the monster wasnt destroyed in any type of fashion.
3)At attack declaration, I used mirror force to destroy his attacking monsters. Maybe mistake it for Solemn Advice, he used Solemn Warning thinking it would negate the card. MST still negates though..
Result of Duel - 0/20
Total: 32/100
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