Tester Deck - Anti-Meta
Testee Deck - Psychics
Attitude -10/10
He had good attitude. Showed mad respect. No deductions here.
Deck Build - 10/25
During the beginning of the match, he had two earths on the field; tuner and none tuner . I was thinking he was gonna go into Natura Beast for the spell lockdown since I was going second but instead went into another synchro that only gave lifepoints during the end phase. Also, what surprised me was the fact he mained Gorz. Kind expected it but didn't wanna believe since no one really uses Gorz anymore. Probably the most threat his deck could have given me but it was dealt with immediately. Overall the deck didnt give me any trouble at all. Counter for dayz...
Skill - 13/25
Siding Skills (10)- I dont really judge siding since you could side all the cards needed to stop the opponent and then nevercdrawing into them. He did sided though. Tester mistake for forgetting to get the picture after the duel.
Play style (3) - His playstyle was out of the ordinary. Some plays were good calls but overall he made me question his dueling skills. When I summoned Kycoo my 1st turn he threw down maxx c. Within that play alone could I have hinted I was gonna go into any sort of special summoning. I know he's still learning and he can only get better from here on in.
Control of the duel (0)- Not once has he gained any advantage during the match..
Ruling knowledge - 5/10
Misplays and Corrections - 8/10: There were only just a few errors he made so I'll deduct one point for each
1) After declaring an attack, he special summoned Gorz before taking battle damage. Simple mistake but it still costs.
2) While banisher was faceup on the field, he tended to still send cards to graveyard instead of to the banish zone. Even I, too,made the same mistake. Lol.
Result of Duel - 0/20
Total: 46/100
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