Hiya guys, I'd like you all to meet Apoqliphoth Killer. This card is really easy to bring out in the new Qliphoth Deck, and it's near indestructable. On top of that, the Qliphoth archetype has pendulum monsters that drop your attack by 300. So you basically will need a 3800 attack monster to match him.
My question for you all is, how would you handle, when he's on board.
All answers will be added to this post.
I'd like to ask you all to give answers that are meta cards. Things like Gishki Zielgagas could be run to get rid of it, but that's just for 1 deck.
Cannot be Special Summoned. Must be Normal Summoned/Set by Tributing 3 "Qliphoth" monsters. If this card was Normal Summoned, it is unaffected by Spell/Trap effects and the activated effects of monsters that have lower original Levels or Ranks than this card's Level. All Special Summoned monsters on the field lose 500 ATK and DEF. Once per turn: You can activate this effect; your opponent sends 1 monster from their side of the field or in their hand to the Graveyard.
Star Eater: Star Eater is a level 11 monster and is unaffected by other card effects when he attacks. This means that it is unaffected by the -500 atk from the Killer, and the -300 Atk from the Qliphoths.
Tragoedia: Use Tragoedia to discard another Tragoedia, to steal the Killer.
Mage Power / United we Stand: These equip spells give your own monster a boost, that could give it enough power to overthrow this giant.
Share the Pain: Probably the best answer for it. Since it counts as a tribute, Killer can't save himself here.
Things that get rid of it for a summon. Lava Golem, Volcanic Queen, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and Santa Claws come to mind.