Testee vs Tester
BW mermails
Attitude: DEFINETLY 10/10
deck build: 21/25
I loved blackwings a while back so i know how to build them. He built them quite well.
13/15 for compeitiveness 4/5 for creativeness 4/5 for oringality
skill: 2/25
He had no side, He had no control for the duel but he did make a couple nice moves.
0/10 for control of duel 0/10 for siding and side deck 2/5
ruling knowledge: 3/10
misplays and corrections: 4/10 made quite a bit of misplays
result of duel: 0/20 lost 0-2
OVERALL RESULTS: 40!!!!!!!!! U MADE SLIFER!!!!!!!!!!!