Deck -
Testee: Constellars
Attitude -10/10
Nothing to add up here.
Deck Build - 23/25
Competitveness: the deck can top pretty easy in singles, although in match i dont think it will do it that great. sincce it got allot of weaknesses. but if you can protect those weaknesses. it will do great. 15/15
Creativity: the main deck is like all other constellars decks, but that is the best build of the deck. so i dont know why you should ruin it. 4/5
Originality: same story as above 4/5
15 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill - 23/25
Control: game one i started awefull so he had full control of the duel. and game 2 i had pretty decent hand and i got the light imprissoning mirror, yet he had control of the duel due the Dark horn of heaven. which is a great card btw
. 10/10
Siding and side deck: i didnt saw any side cards played. but it was a short duel and he didnt had that much to side against my deck. except but it is not that he needed to side. since his boss monster is the prevect side against my ace but i suggest to replace system down and fissure. 8/10
general skill or nice moves: same as all other constellars decks great combos and great skill. 5/5
10 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for general skill or nice moves
Ruling Test - 4/10
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10: he did not misplay. but i misplayed on perpose on my part to see if he would mention it or not, and he did which is great. keep the concetration like that ^^.
Result of Duel - 20/20
Total: 92/100 Rulling test results must be added yet.
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
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Obelisk Blue 90-100