Deck -lightsworn/lightray
testee- spirits hands and trapytrix
Attitude -9/10
gave me a hard time when i asked him to accept rematch.
Deck Build - 23/25
Competitiveness,Originality and Creativity. State each and give detailed explanations on why the testee got the marks and state improvements.
13 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 5 for originality.
Skill -23 /25
Siding Skills, Play style and the control of the duel.He noticed i didn't use many traps and sided to take advantage of the weakness.he enjoyed telling me he was doomed and he had a horrible hand wall trapping me in his trap(guess his playing style is delusion).
9 for control of duel,10 for siding and side deck,5for general skill or nice moves
Ruling knowledge -10 /10
Comments on their ruling knowledge. Just general game basics and grade them appropriately on the number of ruling mistakes occurred.
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10: Explain what errors they made for instance did not read one of their monsters eff. Same as the rulings, explain their misplays and grade them appropriately.
Result of Duel - 20/20: (0/20 for winning no duels, 10/20 for losing 2-1, 15/20 for winning 2-1 and 20/20 for winning 2-0)
Total: 95/100 ? (add ruling test results)
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
Slifer Red 0-59
Ra Yellow 60-89
Obelisk Blue 90-100
Location of Rulings Test:
student pass is north
Banned decks: alternative win, burn, troll deck, deck destruction.