Deck - My Stellar's vs BAtteryman
Attitude -10/10 Kinda silent
Deck Build - 18/25 looked like standard batteryman,but it was creative
6 for competitveness 5 for creativity, 7 for originality.
Skill - 19/25 He had some nice play and Skill into it. But he didn't have that much control.He also sided some decent cards
6 for control of duel, 5 for siding and side deck,8 for general skill or nice moves.
Ruling knowledge - 6/10 Nothing wrong
Misplays and Corrections - 10/10. Nothing wrong
Result of Duel - 20/20: 10/20 He won 2-1.The topdeck was strong with that one
Total: 73/100
Don't be too harsh or too easy on them on each of the above methods of testing.
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