ok so my idea was... add dark simorgh with the card i stated then add a bunch of first turn draw cards, and since you have rocket arrow express add some broww cards so you can get some more draw power then i suggest you don't have 3 of those cards either because it will be hard to summon them but it is a pretty good card to put in when your about to die, but add necro gardna as well so you can use the discard effects to your liking and if they use fiendish chains on your rocket arrow then you can use your necro gardnas ability incase they get something more powerful then your monster or if they destroy it, also i would add some trap negating cards because you wont easily get your two card combo to defeat your opponents strategy. basically just take out bait doll and add in a trap stun so this way it wont focus on just one card and don't rely on mst so much but add in 2 because it can not negate the effects of cards, also my friend suggested you add in felgrand so you can combo it with trap stun so this way it can not be negated and you have some high level monsters in there as well so if you discard them to the grave you can use felgrand to beat down your opponent and dont just think about using your rocket arrow express for no reason, once it attacks give it to your opponent if you don't wanna discard your hand using creature swap so this way they can either keep it and discard or choose to destroy it giving you a high level for felgrand dragon and based on your ideas with these cards added you will probably be able to stall and get what you need t eventually beat your opponent but on the side note add more draw power because some players get really bad and dead hands. ( MAKE SURE TO KEEP IT AT 40!!!)