LS Rulers (Tester) vs Fire Fists (Testee)
Attitude: 10/10
Deck Build: 21/25 Very Well built main deck seems competitive a few tech choices i wudnt run but still nice if played right no complains for that. Creativity is FF but he implemented techs like Trap stun so + points for that. Side deck can use help for sure not even about prefferences it can be helped look into cards like DD crow Debunk Fissure etc.
14 4 3
Skill: 20/25 Duel 1 he had control, G2 i had control, G3 was shakey but he had it mostly. Siding was alright but siding SIM vs LS wasnt that good of a choice. His plays though were good dat cardinal play at the end was like NIGGA.
8 7 5
Ruling Knowledge: 6/10 Rekon did not know i was not allowed to use Lumina if i had no monsters in grave summoning the monster just discarded. i summoned Collaserpent 3 times in 1 turn when rules says only 1 per turn. (-2 per misplay)
Misplays and Corrections: 0/10 Lumina Misplay x2, He let me use tempest 2nd eff to fish a dragon from deck misplay when im suppose to discard 2 wind type monsters and not 2 Dragons. 3 collaserpent Correction/misplay, Excition vs LIM misplay, on my LP when he had formation once i decided not to - the extra 200 from the 2 formations he said nothing. (-2 per misplay)
Result of Duel: 15/20 Rekon Gg 2-1
Total: 62/100
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